As a note on the Plans and Purposes below, I realized how I can fund this project! I can do it by publishing a monthly e-Newsletter and having people subscribe to it and thereby I will generate a monthly income to pay my expenses and will allow me to do what I really want to do which is this research project!
Doing this aligns with the purpose to publish my findings as they occur. ( I figure that this is probably the smartest way to approach this avenue of research. Because chances are that I will be making discoveries that the powers that be may not want to be broadly known. So if I were to keep it all to myself then it would be really easy to quiet me down if someone wanted to. However, if I am really broadly known, then it would be harder to easily shut me up.)
Also, this wipes out the necessity to spend time on some other type of job which has nothing to do with my purpose just so that I can make money to cover my expenses.
- - - R E A D - - T H I S - - F I R S T - - - Important Note: How To Read This Blog
If this is your first time visiting my website, please read starting from the earliest entry. If you read the entries in sequence then it will make a lot more sense to you. If you've been here many times, you can read in what ever sequence you like. To the right of this note is a "Blog Archive". You can use that to navigate the site. The first entry is called Goal, the next is Purpose, etc. Read Goal first and then the rest in sequence for the best understanding. If you have any questions for me or anything that you would like to communicate to me, please let me know. I welcome communication from any reader.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Note on Plans and Purposes
Posted by
Robbin's Research
2:03 PM