I decided a while back but never actually put it in writing that I want to exchange back with everyone who helps me during the research phase of this project.
So I decided that everyone who donates during the research phase (by signing up for a monthly subscription to my e-newsletter) will get a monetary bonus after the research phase is completed and the first major invention is completed and sold.
The way this will work is that after the research phase of this project is complete and I am into the invention stage, each new invention will either be sold or there will be income as a result of its development. When this starts to occur, 50% of all profits at that point will be paid back to the subscriber base in proportion to the cumulative amount that you donated for subscription fees.
Example: If the total amount of funds donated during the research phase were $10,000 and you donated $100 of that, then that means that you donated 1% of the total donations during the research phase. An let's say that the profit from sales of inventions is up to $200,000. So 50% of the $200k will go back to the subscribers = $100k will go back to the subscribers. So if you had paid in 1% of the total then you would receive 1% of the amount being paid back to the subscribers, so you would receive 1% of $100k = you would receive $1,000. So that makes this an even more attractive investment. I will probably limit the amount that each subscriber gets back to no more than 20x the amount that they paid in to the program. So if all that you donated was $100, you would not get more than $2000 back as a maximum. Even if it took 10 years to get that return on your investment, that would still be about a 35% interest per year! 2000% total interest is the maximum that you will receive back from this (2000% = 20x).
My target is to complete this project in a lot less than 10 years. However I don't think it will be an over night cycle of action. I am sure it will be at least a few years until it is complete. If you compare it to other inventions and the research that went into them, 10 years is not a long time for a research period.
As a note, if it does take ten years to complete this project and you are a $10/month subscriber that whole time, that means you're donating $120 a year which is only $1,200 over a 10 year period! It really is not that much money. The whole idea is to get a volume of people to contribute so that the burden of financing this project is not on any one person. Thank you in advance for contributing! It helps a lot.
- - - R E A D - - T H I S - - F I R S T - - - Important Note: How To Read This Blog
If this is your first time visiting my website, please read starting from the earliest entry. If you read the entries in sequence then it will make a lot more sense to you. If you've been here many times, you can read in what ever sequence you like. To the right of this note is a "Blog Archive". You can use that to navigate the site. The first entry is called Goal, the next is Purpose, etc. Read Goal first and then the rest in sequence for the best understanding. If you have any questions for me or anything that you would like to communicate to me, please let me know. I welcome communication from any reader.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Guarantee for Subscribers
Posted by
Robbin's Research
10:06 AM